Keep your children's teeth healthy
Pediatric Dentistry
Undoubtedly, the smile of children has a luster and charm that steals hearts, and because this smile is based mainly on the presence of healthy teeth, parents will certainly have to pay adequate attention to their children’s teeth by teaching them to practice dental care at home, in addition to making periodic visits to the dentist.
At our dental center we provide all types of dental care for children starting from prevention to treatment.
Please visit Preventive Dentistry page on our website here to check the procedures we offer to strengthen your child’s dental health such as fissure sealing and fluoride application procedures.

Frequently Asked Questions
A pediatric dentist, defined, is a specially trained dentist who focuses on caring for children from infancy through the teenage years, and also adults with special needs.
Pediatric dentists are dedicated to the oral health of children from infancy through the teen years. They have the experience and qualifications to care for a child's teeth, gums, and mouth throughout the various stages of childhood. Children begin to get their baby teeth during the first 6 months of life.
Each type of braces or orthodontic appliance works differently. Traditional or teen orthodontic braces use brackets and wires, while options like Invisalign utilize removable alignment trays to nudge your teeth into the desired position. And then there are lingual braces, where the appliances are attached behind your teeth. Since each method is unique, be sure to speak with our Dubai orthodontist about the type of treatment you’re interested in.