3D and 2D digital x-rays are the best diagnostic tools


Digital Dental X-Rays are state-of-the-art machines which rely on computers rather than films to render X-rays of your teeth.

Our dental center is equiped with the most advanced X-ray machines including 3D X-rays for the jaws, Panoramic Radiographs, TMJ and Periapical X-rays.

We use Lead Apron to cover the patients during the procedure to protect you from the X-rays and provide a safe and careful experience.

Frequently Asked Questions

Compared to the 2D X-rays that only produce a two-dimensional picture of the mouth, 3D dental imaging uses cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) equipment to provide 3D-rendition of the patient's mouth and skull. 2D X-rays are still needed and used widely for the detection of dental caries and other dental diseases.

3D dental x-rays ensures that there is nothing to hide from the dentist's view. These images give a complete picture of the jaw, oral, and other dental areas, which will increase the dentist confidence and makes it easy to diagnose and treat the dental problems.

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